Classroom Emotional Abuse

the forgotten dimension of safeguarding, child protection, and safer recruitment

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Book Published!

The book Emotional Abuse in the Classroom: the forgotten dimension of safeguarding, child protection, and safer recruitment, was published in September 2012. It is available in paperback (ISBN: 978-1-909231-03-0), hardback (ISBN: 978-1-909231-04-7)and Kindle (ISBN: 978-1-909231-05-4) editions from Amazon, and any good bookstore. Bulk copies can be obtained directly from the publisher (Requirements Analytics).

The Book

This website accompanies the book Emotional Abuse in the Classroom: the forgotten dimension of safeguarding, child protection, and safer recruitment - written by Geoffrey Darnton.

The book is available from Amazon, all good book stores, and via the publisher website - Requirements Analytics. If you wish to purchase multiple copies, please get in contact to ask about available discounts.

The material in this section provides a copy of the book front cover, a list of contents, and the list of references used for the book.

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