Classroom Emotional Abuse

the forgotten dimension of safeguarding, child protection, and safer recruitment

Recent News

Self-Evaluation Questionnaires Available

The Teacher and Pupil Self-Evaluation questionnaires will be made available online at this website. They will be accessed from the left-hand menu of the home pages (and several other pages). Completing them and submitting your responses will help future research. The Teacher Self-Evaluation questionnaire will help all teachers to evaluate how they conduct classes. The Pupil Self-Evaluation questionnaire enable pupils and students to check their experiences in classes and lectures. Not all behaviours described in the questionnaires are abusive, but some are.

The questionnaires are temporarily not available while the website has been moved and is being rebuilt due to earlier hacker activity. The new website should be much more resilient against hacking.

Requirements Analytics

The publisher of the book Emotional Abuse in the Classroom and maintainer of this website is Requirements Analytics. You can transfer to the Requirements Analytics website by clicking here.

Books and Services

There is very little material readily available to assist with the emotional abuse aspect of safeguarding training. We can help with that:

  • many schools have whole of school training attended by teachers and perhaps governors and other school workers - we have training materials available to supplement your normal safeguarding whole of school training;
  • many local authorities provide courses for safeguarding - we have courses available to cover the emotional abuse aspects of safeguarding, which can be delivered as stand-alone courses, or to supplement existing courses;
  • schools or school consortia may like to have a training session about emotional abuse in the classroom - we can do that;
  • schools or school consortia may like to have a training session for teachers to use the self-assessment tools in this book - we can run sessions for such groups of teachers;
  • a school, or school consortium, may wish to provide pupils with a self-assessment workshop - we can conduct a session to find out what your pupils really feel, and obtain input for management and planning.

Whatever needs you have to become familiar with the ideas and self-assessment instruments in this book, you are welcome to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss what you would like to do, and how we can help you. Further contact details are available on the contacts page of this website.

There are three versions of the book available:

Paperback: ISBN 978-1-909231-03-0
Hardback: ISBN 978-1-909231-04-7
eBook: ISBN 978-1-909231-05-4

The book is: Emotional Abuse in the Classroom: the forgotten dimension of safeguarding, child protection, and safer recruitment.

If you would like to purchase multiple copies of the book, please get in contact for a quote. Training or seminar sessions can include copies of the book or separate notes.

Inspiration for the book

So far, the agendas for child protection, safeguarding, and the safer recruitment of people working with children have been driven mainly by a small number of very high profile and shocking cases involving physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. Those cases have invariably highlighted failures in established procedures that are supposed to prevent these things from happening. The resulting initiatives have put a great deal of effort into reforming relevant social work and law agencies, and how they work together.

Read more: Inspiration for the book


Competence - what is it?


There is, as yet, no generally agreed definition of competence when used in relation to professions or practices. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED)1 provides an interesting variety of definitions of competence. The material on this website can be considered to be focussed on two concepts of competence as set out in the OED:


1. Sufficiency of qualification; capacity to deal adequately with a subject
2. Adequacy of a work; legitimacy of a logical conclusion; propriety.


The OED definitions need more to be added in order to yield an operational definition of competence. The key elements of such a definition can be evolved in the following way:


1. 'Sufficiency of qualification' - some people would interpret the word qualification as referring to some kind of accredited qualification, often state controlled (such as by universities, or legally established professional bodies). This website does not take such a narrow view because of the arbitrariness and perversities sometimes introduced into formal qualification mechanisms by state agencies and professional bodies.
2. 'capacity to deal adequately with a subject' - the risk in this concept lies in understanding it with an academic bias. This website interprets that phrase more along the liines of 'ability to solve a problem'.
3. 'Adequacy of a work' - judgements about 'adequacy' imply an understanding of purpose and context - is a work 'fit for purpose'?
4. 'legitimacy of a logical conclusion' - solutions to problems should be sufficiently open and transparent such that it is possible to know the basis on which solutions to problems, or dealing with subject matter, have been approached. Often, the most difficult part of such openess and transparency is understanding any assumed values or wisdom on which a problem solution or subject consideration has been based.
5. 'propriety' - this is taken as the manner in which a problem solution is achieved, or subject matter dealt with.


The ability to solve a problem depends on applying an appropriate combination of skills and knowledge. For example, a highly qualified engineering academic may understand how a combustion engine works - but may not have the skills to fix an engine following a vehicle breakdown. The person who has the skills for fix the engine may not have good knowledge of why the engine works. Both the academic and the engineer may have a sufficient combination of skills and knowledge to operate competently in their own normal contexts, but may not be competent to operate in different contexts.


Sometimes 'level' is important. For example, a consultant may be engaged to propose a set of computer components to solve a particular business problem. The nature of any proposal should be adjusted for whatever 'level' is receivng any proposed solution. Presumably, a presentation to the executive board of an organization sponsoring a solution would not be the same as a presentation to engineers and practitioners who will build and deliver a solution - those different audiences are likely to need different amounts of detail.


The way in which a problem solution is approached may be critical for the acceptability of any solution. For example, merely imposing a solution may render it unacceptable, whereas a solution following participation and consultation may be welcomed. This is often seen by competence practitioners as matters of attitude or behaviour.


Therefore, the approach taken in this website is that competence can be expressed by a five-part relationship:


competence = knowledge + skills + attitude or behaviour + context + level


The debate about the definition of competence arises because some people accept definitions of competence where the values of some of the elements in the above equation can be zero. For example, some equate competence with skills only (thus implying that the other elements could be zero). Of course there is usually overlap between the elements of that equation, but the equation focusses on the key elements.


An excellent example of the kind of mess and confusion about the elements of competence is provided by the situation in the UK and its various government agencies handling different aspects of competence. On the one hand there is a Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) setting out higher education qualifications from 1st year undergraduate, to doctorate, and on the other hand there is a Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) that is responsible for a National Qualifications Framewor (NQF) covering mainly practitioner and some professional qualifications. To demonstrate the point that these elements of competence have not yet been brought together, the QCA have a document that maps the NQF to the FHEQ. What is missing, is a set of competence qualifications able to certify competence. Most practitioners will experience the problem that often it is necessary to obtain a higher education degree, then it is necesary to obtain a professional qualification. Many professions then require a new entrant to pefform a satisfactory period of performance before being accepted finally as fit to practice. Although there is obvious overlap, in simplistic terms, the higher education element can be seen as knowledge focussed; the professional qualification elenet is skill focussed; the final practice phase is attitude or behaviour focussed. In reality, any practitioner must address context and level to yield acceptable and satisfactory results.


The competence sections of this website provide an opportunity for debate about these various matters.



1Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v. 2009.

Book Contents


Future Editions    

Chapter 1 - Introduction    

Book Structure

Chapter 2 - What is Emotional Abuse?

Forms of Emotional Abuse
Abuser Motivations and Associations
Effects of Emotional Abuse
Cultural causes

Chapter 3- Classroom Emotional Abuse

The Classroom

Chapter 4 - Child Protection, Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment

Child Protection
Safer Recruitment

Chapter 5 - Every Child Matters

Critical Perspectives on ECM and Safeguarding
Children Rights Policy for Schools
Know What Your Schoolchildren Really Think

Chapter 6 - Teacher Self-Evaluation

Psychological Abuse Scale For Teachers

Chapter 7 - Pupil Self-Evaluation

Psychological Abuse Scale For Pupils
Questions Relating to Demeaning Conduct
Questions Relating to Discriminating Conduct
Questions Relating to Dominating Conduct
Questions Relating to Destabilizing Conduct
Questions Relating to Distancing Conduct
Diverse Questions

Chapter 8 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...

The Good ...
The Bad ...
The Ugly ...

Appendix A - Definitions

Appendix B

International Declarations of the Rights of the Child

Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child
UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child (UNDRC)
UNDRC Plain Language Version
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Appendix C - Draft School Child Rights Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding
Education Rights
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion
Rights of Assembly and Association
Rights of Privacy, Family Life, and Reputation
Right to Challenge Punishment and Detention
Right to Freedom from Exploitation
Special Educational Needs
Related Policies

Appendix D - Wikipedia Articles



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